12 Responses to “:(”
Why, why so? I love your blog, I seriously do!
I hope you can keep your blog going. I enjoy coming here every once in a while and getting jealous about your photographs.
Maybe you just need a fresh start, change of name perhaps? That happens to be a lot. I hope you continue bloggin!
say it ain't so. sporadic posts are better than no posts. don't go away!
Please keep on blogin....i really like your photos and posts wish u all the best
i agree with all the above comments. rather see you update every few months than never again. :(your blog is perfect, please stay!
noooooooooo come back ):
hahaha why?? continue! and what about your followers!www.likeblackorchid.com
^^^^^^ agreeed with EVERYTHING - i love ur blog
i love your blog, too. you have a nice perspective. :)
Come back! >.<
i miss this blog!
herro there!
12 Responses to “:(”
Why, why so? I love your blog, I seriously do!
I hope you can keep your blog going. I enjoy coming here every once in a while and getting jealous about your photographs.
Maybe you just need a fresh start, change of name perhaps? That happens to be a lot. I hope you continue bloggin!
say it ain't so. sporadic posts are better than no posts. don't go away!
Please keep on blogin....i really like your photos and posts
wish u all the best
i agree with all the above comments. rather see you update every few months than never again. :(
your blog is perfect, please stay!
noooooooooo come back ):
hahaha why?? continue! and what about your followers!
^^^^^^ agreeed with EVERYTHING - i love ur blog
i love your blog, too. you have a nice perspective. :)
Come back! >.<
i miss this blog!
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herro there!