"The blog posts will have no titles.
The photos will be random.
No text either.
Just great photos.
(BTW, this is going to be your favorite blog)"
Yes. I swear everything he posts, I like! and most of his photos aren't of the plenty recycled ones from fashion blogs, though he uses some fashionable figures sometimes. Maybe it IS my new favorite blog.
I'm currently in SF for a few days. I leave on Sunday early early morning. The culture here is just so entirely different here. People are just so open. Nobody cares about your differences here.
Today we ate at Naan n' Curry on Van Ness. I don't really eat a lot of curry - it's just a coincidence I would have two entries within a month of each other about curry. I couldn't finish. While we were eating, there suddenly appeared a swarm of bicyclists riding on up Van Ness street. (literally, at least a thousand). Some of them were naked too, I wish I took photos. haha. Later on after, we got some Genki crepes!
Lastly, RIP Michael Jackson. I was in such shock when I found out. I know some people are kind of tired about hearing about him and/or wonder why people are caring so much about a person we never met. but, you can tell that he was a huge influence on our generation, especially musicians and dancers. I still can't really process his death for some reason...it's kinda surreal. like I feel he was supposed to live forever :(
(yes, I stole this photo from cnn.com)